Law on the Row

Law on the Row2024-01-16T11:45:07-06:00

Featured Articles

More Revenue for Songwriters? Copyright Royalty Tribunal increases the Mechanical Royalty Rates

Recently, on December 12, 2023, the Copyright Royalty Judges announced a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase in the mechanical royalty rates for the 17 U.S.C. §115 statutory license for making and distributing phonorecords of nondramatic [...]

Patent Infringement: AliveCor and the Apple Watch

By Katy GasperAliveCor, self-proclaimed “global leader in FDA-cleared personal electrocardiogram (ECG) technology and services,” has recently filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) against Apple Inc. stating infringement on three of their [...]

The Harsh Reality of Trademark Infringement in the Music Industry – Pearl Jam & Pearl Jamm

By Katy GasparPearl Jam tribute band, Pearl Jamm, recently received a cease-and-desist letter requesting a change of name and logo, the turning over of domain names, and the destruction of all unsold merchandise. Is this [...]

Television & Film Production during the COVID-19 Pandemic; How does the Force Majeure Provision Apply?

Television & Film Production during the COVID-19 Pandemic; How does the Force Majeure Provision Apply? COVID-19 has affected the entertainment industry in many respects, especially in the areas of film and television production. Given [...]

Practical Approach Series–Fair Use: When Do I Need to Ask for Permission to Post a Copyrighted Work to My Social Media?

By Cheshire Rigler   Can a band member post photographs of their concerts to their webpage or social media if they are taken by an unrelated photographer? Can the Instagram posts and stories of [...]

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