“Not Accepting Unsolicited Material”

What songwriters can do to protect their ideas when submitting demo tapes to publishers Every songwriter has heard the words "sorry, we’re not accepting unsolicited material" from at least a dozen publishers. In fact, in a recent informal survey conducted by Law On the Row, two-thirds of the thirty publishing companies contacted indicated that they [...]

By |2017-07-20T17:44:10-05:00September 9th, 2009|Entertainment Law, Music Industry, Music Law, Music Publishing, Songwriting|Comments Off on “Not Accepting Unsolicited Material”

Lyndsey Highlander at 12th & Porter

It’s been a while since my last blog entry, and I apologize to regular readers of Law on the Row.  I’ve been in transition mode, getting settled in  to my new offices downtown at 2nd Avenue North.  I was also invited by my good friend Mark Volman to teach a course at the Mike Curb [...]

By |2017-07-20T17:44:11-05:00September 8th, 2009|Music Row News|Comments Off on Lyndsey Highlander at 12th & Porter
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